Gena Sellers, RN, LNC
(804) 864-4802
(804) 421-6251 (fax)
As a nurse paralegal, Gena is involved with pertinent medical elements in cases for which MRC attorneys serve as counsel. These cases include medical malpractice lawsuits, asbestos litigation, aspects of product liability cases, and personal injury matters.
Gena has 30 years of nursing experience. She is a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant and owned a consulting business before joining the firm. Previously, Gena was the charge nurse and unit educator of the women’s health unit at CJW Medical Center. She has worked as a home health intake supervisor and case manager, and as a registered nurse in long term care/skilled nursing facilities. Further, Gena was an RN in a pulmonary ICU stepdown unit.
In her spare time Gena loves to cook, travel to new places, listen to live music, and spend time with her family.